It has been a busy couple of weeks here at The Littlest Farm... busy enough that we haven't had time to post but here are the latest updates and a quick instructional.
Let the updates begin!
Our starts have started.
It has only been a couple of weeks and we have all of our herb and ( bee attracting ) flowers poking their heads out.
Meg picked up a straw bale from a local horse farm for only eight dollars and built a planter box for it.
Carrots were promptly planted.
There is also purple broccoli and red stemmed celery getting started in another set of beds.
This posts instructional is a great space saver for folks with little room for growing.
I purchased a ten foot section of vinyl gutter and cut in into two five foot pieces and using some masonry screws mounted it above our raised beds giving us a new space to plant our pick-able lettuces.
First cap off the ends.
Drill some holes for drainage.
Mount brackets
I spaced them at 2 inches, 30 inches and 58 inches for a 60 inch section.
Insert gutter
I will be adding roughly 10% vermiculite to the soil for water retention.